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Town of Mount Desert
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Location: Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor
I. Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Public Hearing(s)
A. Special Amusement Application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc. /DBA Tan Turtle Tavern
B. Liquor License Application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc. /DBA Tan Turtle Tavern
III. Post Public Hearing
- Special Amusement Application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc. /DBA Tan Turtle Tavern, action if necessary
- Liquor License Application from Tan Turtle Tavern Too, Inc. /DBA Tan Turtle Tavern, action if necessary
IV. Minutes
- Approval of minutes from August 15, 2016 meeting.
V. Appointments/Recognitions/Resignations
- Confirm Appointment of Savannah Hudson as part-time Dock Hand at $15.00/hr through Columbus Day
VI. Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion. Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.)
- Garden Club of Mount Desert donation for the landscaping project at Northeast Harbor Marina in the amount of $10, 000
- Email of Appreciation of Town Employees in general and specifically Tony Smith, Ben Jacobs, Kim Keene, Claire Woolfolk, Jennifer McWain, Jim Willis and Kevin Edgecomb
- Notice of Appreciation for Mount Desert Police
- Thank you letter from Mount Desert Island Historical Society
- Hancock County Commissioners Meeting Minutes August 2, and August 12, 2016
- Letter from Hancock County Administrator, Scott Adkins
- Hancock County Planning Commission Road Salt Bid Results – 2016-2017 Season
- Letter to Congressman Bruce Poliquin from Town Manager Durlin Lunt regarding the Amendment to Acadia Boundary Act of 1986
- Maine Department of Transportation “Notice of Layout and Taking” of certain parcel(s) of land in Mount Desert (along Rt. 102)
- Maine Department of Agriculture Conservation & Forestry notice of Submerged Lands Application – David and Laura Foulke
VII. Selectmen’s Reports
VIII. Old Business
- Presentation by Stephanie Fecteau of MainePers of Public Safety Years of Service Plan
- Discussion of proposed changes to the Personnel Manual for Retirement Plans and Employee Compensation
- Public Space Special Event Application – Brooke Taylor Swanson Wedding Reception; Seal Harbor Village Green, August 12, 2017
- MaineDOT Temporary Easement for Jordan Pond Road/Stanley Brook
- Department of the Army letter in response to Mount Desert’s letter of August 2, 2016 – Bar Harbor Oyster Company’s proposal of oyster cages installation
- Request form Otter Creek resident, Dennis Smith, for Selectmen to request a proposal for part of the Park Loop Road accommodate two-way access to the Fish House as part of the Schoodic Woods Boundary Legislation
- Fish Survey on Otter Creek Fire Pond
IX. New Business
- Planting of a Tree in front of the Seal Harbor Comfort Station to Honor Paul Freemont-Smith Jr. for his many years of service on the Seal Harbor VIS
- Public Space Special Event Application: Northeast Harbor Fest/Marc Fink; Northeast Harbor Marina Green, August 5 & 6, 2017
- Police Department Replacement of Tasers: Release of $2,324.00 from Police Equipment Reserve Account 4040100-24405; permission to expend those funds for the first payment as outlined in the Taser quote; and authorization to sign the Taser purchase agreement.
- Accept donation of $5,000 from the Garden Club of Mount Desert to support the Marina Beautification Project (Marina Construction Account # 60101-00-57739)
- Authorize Road Salt purchase for FY-17 from Harcross @ $59.10 per ton
- Authorize the expenditure of $2,582.60 from Bartlett CIP Account # 4010300-24671 for the replacement of a seasonal finger float on the dingy dock at Bartlett Landing
- Such other business as may be legally conducted
X. Treasurer’s Warrants
- Approve & Sign Treasurer’s Warrant AP1713 in the amount of $1,278,038.21
- Approve Signed Treasurer’s Payroll, State Fees, & PR Benefit Warrants AP1710, AP1711, AP1712, and PR1704 in the amounts of $4,688.50, $3,003.75, $7,113.57, and $98,993.39, respectively
- Acknowledge Treasurer’s School Board AP/Payroll Warrant(s) 4 and 5 in the amounts of $128,214.63 and $55,539.99, respectively
XI. Executive Session
None Scheduled
XII. Adjournment
The next regularly scheduled meeting is at 6:30 p.m., Monday, September 19, 2016 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor
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